Cambodia introduction
Have a opportunity to visit the Kingdom of Cambodia, most of foreign tourists are taking their tours to Siem Reap city, the ancient capital of the Kingdom. There are ancient structures unique is Angkor Wat and Angkor Thom. From here you can visit the Great Lake and the Pretvihia temple, a World Cultural Heritage.
Xiem Reap history
In tourism development plan of the Government of Cambodia Cambodia, Siem Reap city is changing every day, the luxury hotel after another sprang up. Siem Reap airport was upgraded to international airport connecting flights to the capitals and major cities of the countries in Southeast Asia.Siem Reap is the capital city of Siem Reap Province, in north-western Cambodia.
Siem Reap City located on Highway 6 along the country, 300km from Phnompenh and the border between Cambodia-sharing and Thailand about 150 km. According to Cambodia, Siem Reap means "Siamese defeated," referring to the victory of the Khmer Empire for military Thailand under King ayutthaya in 17th century
Angkor Wat is located about few killometre from Xiem Reap. It built by king Suryavacman II in the early 12th century. Angkor Thom area not far from Angkor artifacts, built by the reign of King Giayavacman VII. It was the capital of the Khmer empire. For security reasons, in 1432, the capital of the kingdom was moved to Phnom Penh and then to Lotvech and Udon, before leaving Phnom Penh in 1866. Experiencing conflict, the ancient temples in Siem Reap ruined and forgotten. In the 19th century, they were discovered by explorers and missionaries in the West. Hen-ri Mu-song is considered to be the "discovered" Angkor antiques in 1860.
Angko Thom |
At night, the streets of Siem Reap bright with electric lights. Visitors release procurement walk the night market or sitting enjoying cup of coffee at the "Western Quarter" loud, boisterous. But in the land of the ancient capital of travelers feel the peace and charm. In this city, there are not many-xi, traveling mainly by tuk tuk and motorcycles. It only takes about 5 dollars, visitors passenger tuk tuk driver to visit within the city of Siem Reap. Probably the busiest night market and the "Western Quarter". Here, they sold a lot of souvenirs, such as the antenna tower made of earthenware, the colorful scarves, cigarette ashtray meticulous carving, silver jewelry, sparkling gold colors ... Cambodia, divided hospitality. If you do not want to buy, but when you ask the price, you should pay even half the price given by the seller to seller please not leave immediately. Although not sell items, vendors will also cheerful goodbye to you. After a stroll in the market, visitors walk on the "Western Quarter", enjoy a cup of coffee and watch life on the streets. Most interesting is that both dinner and enjoy dance Abraham laid-out fascinating. In restaurants, large hotels are dancing Abraham lay-out for tourists love art. Traditional music emerge, young girls in colorful dresses, gold dresses, flexible step-by-royal dance soft. Since ancient times, dance Abraham laid-out just for kings enjoy. Pressure-sa-embodiment of the fairies, court dancers were recruited and trained a basically since he was 9, 10 years old.
Don't worry about the changes here because you can use USD everywhere in Xiem Reap. Evenwhen you buy the things from the street or any service available here.
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